the LAND:
“La Franciacorta” is an area located near the city of Brescia and Iseo's Lake, famous thanks to the production of the homonymous wine: Franciacorta DOCG.
But, not just this: beautiful hills, cultural and historical sites, relax in nature, possibilities of sport and leisure make this land a discover for tourists who come here for the first time. Hotel la Fonte is in Ome, in the heart of Franciacorta, sorrounded by all this splendour.
What to do in this Land? Which places to visit? What to experience about sport, culture, food and wine?
Let's find out together ...
The culture of Wine
Franciacorta DOCG is made among the moraine hills rich of minerals, and produced according to the classic method of refermentation in bottle. This wine has a fine quality and it is excellent for the entire meal. Every course are enhanced by the different types of this Wine. Our restaurant "Don Camillo" inside “Hotel La Fonte” offers thise Wines, and create brilliant combinations between food and wine. One of our specialities is “Manzo all'Olio di Rovato”: Beef slow cooked and served with the typical “Polenta”. It is wonderful near a glass of Franciacorta pas dosé or Franciacorta Riserva.
The Cellars that produce this Wine, often open their doors to the public for an unforgettable experience, and in our offers you have the possibility to visite more than one cellar. You will discover secrets about its birth and its production, and you will see suggestive and historical cellars, obviously tasting a glass of Franciacorta Wine. Franciacorta's Land is not only wine. Here, you can discover the Natural Reserve “Torbiere del Sebino” with its wild nature, or explore the secrets of the Monastery of S. Pietro in Lamosa or of the S.Nicola's Olivetana Abbey.
You can also live outdoor activities: golf, cycling, hiking, nordic walking, or going shopping at the “Shopping Outlet Village”.
To help you, to live Franciacorta at the best, we offer you different solutions to discover in one Week-End or in few hours our Land
Week end Wine Wine Wine
Arrival in Franciacorta in the late afternoon after a working Friday, dinner at the hotel restaurant, tasting traditional dishes and a first glass of Bubbles. In the next morning, after a good breakfast, visit to the Olivetan monastery in Rodengo Saiano founded before 1050 by Cluniac monks. It is in a strategical point, at the gates of the city, and it is a destination for Piligrims. It lived golden age with the presence of most important artists from Brescia. Napoleone Bonaparte trasformed the Abbey into a Farm, and after, thanks to Paolo VI, gived back to the Monks.
The Abbey has three splendid cloisters and in the sacristy of S. Nicola's Church you can find frescoes by Romanino, instead in the antirefettorio frescoes by Lattanzio Gambara stand out.
Before Midday, a little tour in one of the noumerous Franciacorta's cellars where you can discover how the Wine is processed, tasting a glass of Wine and a slice of Salami and of Grana Cheese.
To have Lunch, one beautifoul location is Iseo's Lake, where you can taste a typical dish: “Tinca al Forno di Clusane” (typical backed fish).
After lunch the next destination could be “Torbiere del Sebino”: a nature reserve in the south part of the lake. This area gives wonderfoul colors, especially at sunset, here you can see different animals like the Purple Heron or the Marsh Harrier. As for the flora, the different depth of the water allows the coexistence of different species, including exotic plants. After this peaceful walk we would move to the Monastery of S. Pietro in Lamosa located a few meters from one of the access of the “Torbiere del Sebino”, in Provaglio d'Iseo.
The original church was donated in 1083 by a rich family to the monks of Cluny. Over the centuries it had several trasformations it became the property of another aristocratic family. Just in 1983 The Church became proprety of the Municipality and had restoration works lasting more than 20 years. Today, it is released to its citizens, with its history and its frescoes. It is also a location for cultural and musical events. The “Monastero di San Pietro in Lamosa” presents a wonderfoul view on the “Torbiere del Sebino” and on the sorrounding area thanks to its raised position.
At the end, for the night, there are many solutions: Drinking a lovely Bottle of Franciacorta Wine in the Room, or walking through the streets of Iseo's Lake searching a piece of paradise.
The following day, before returning home, to have shopping at the “Franciacorta Outlet Village” in Rodengo Saiano is a must. It has more than 160 stores and it offers always discounts up to 70%. You can find everything you need: clothes, shoes, leather goods, household items, parfums, stationery items, underwear.... and while you have shopping you can take a break in one of the bars in the Village.
Just at the end you could come back home, with the awareness that you could visit again Franciacorta and have other experiences.

(Monastery Olivetano Rodengo Saiano)